Foam Challenges in Brewery Cleaning

Feb 02, 2024

Brewery bottle washer, a modest device in the canning line, helps breweries effortlessly clear beer bottles of impurities. This instrument eliminates sundry contaminants, residue labels, and persistent microorganisms for reuse.

However, the cleaning process often faces foaming challenges due to various stages. Failure to introduce the proper beer bottle cleaner can lead to serious consequences such as foam overflows.

1.Foam formation during brewery bottle washing process

First, the machine applies shower spray to the outer wall of the bottle and directional rinse to its inner side when water from the valve bodies contacts the outlet/inlet holes.

Next comes intricate processes such as alkaline washing, hot water soaking with spray, warm water soaking with spray, etc., which are greatly influenced by temperature and water flow. As a result, large quantities of foam form and accumulate. They require immediate resolution because they delay each cleaning step, compromise the cleaning effect, and increase cleaning costs.

2.Effectiveness of Beer Bottle Cleaning Defoamer

The defoamer, an effective agent, mainly made of silicon polyether mixed with several active auxiliaries, exhibits excellent defoaming and anti-foaming capabilities. It maintains stability in extreme foaming environments such as high temperatures, high pressures, strong acids or bases, without causing any defects such as emulsification, oil floatation, or stratification experienced.

Once added to water, the defoamer effectively eliminates existing bubbles, ensuring deflated conditions over long periods of time, reducing construction costs and speeding up the cleaning process.

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