Why antifoam agent is called "industrial monosodium glutamate (MSG)"?

Apr 19, 2024

Why is the defoamer called "industrial monosodium glutamate (MSG)"? MSG is a delicious compound that can be said to be omnipresent in everyone's nutritional life. I think that in industrial production, it is a compound similar to monosodium glutamate (MSG), and the demand is not too high, but the role is very peculiar, and it is "defoamer".

In the vast majority of applications, there is no need to recall the cause of foaming, or not to identify the cause of foaming. Not to mention the processing and manufacturing industries in the foam factors are different, more specifically can be said that the producers of each production process is different from the foam factors of each production process. Plus defoamer is more convenient, quick and effective solution to preventive measures. Therefore, defoamer is favoured and welcomed by every manufacturing industry, the development tends to be fast. In the early 80's so far, the world's annual demand for defoamer has reached more than 600,000 tonnes. Antifoam agent has fully played a leading role in improving the production process, improving product quality, saving cost, saving energy, improving productivity, increasing the growth value and so on, so it has the name of "industrialised production of monosodium glutamate".

Characteristics of defoamer

Fast emulsion breaking and good foam inhibiting characteristics;

● Basic characteristics of foam system management are not harmed;

Good diffusibility and water absorption;

● Analytical and chemical stability;

● No physiological non-specific, corrosion resistance, safety, no poor side effects, flame retardant, non-explosive, high safety performance.

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