• Working principle of defoamer
    Working principle of defoamer
    The working principle of a defoamer mainly involves changing the surface properties of liquid to control and eliminate bubbles or foam. The specific working principle can vary according to the type and properties of the defoamer.     Here are several common working principles:   1. Reduce surface tension: Defoamers can reduce the surface tension of liquids, making bubbles less likely to form or break. Surface tension is the interaction force between liquid molecules, which determines the tension of the liquid surface. By reducing surface tension, defoamers can reduce the stability of bubbles, making them easy to break or prevent the formation of bubbles. 2. Diffusion to the bubble surface: Defoamers can diffuse to the bubble surface and form a thin film on the surface. This film can change the physical and chemical properties of the bubble surface, making the bubble no longer stable. The film can increase the surface tension of the bubble and make it break; or change the interaction between the bubble and the surrounding liquid, causing it to aggregate and dissipate. 3. Prevent bubble aggregation and diffusion: Some defoamers can form polymer or colloidal particles in the liquid, which can be adsorbed on the bubble surface to prevent the aggregation and diffusion of bubbles. This effect can be achieved by forming a physical barrier on the bubble surface or through chemical reactions. 4. Destroy the foam structure: Some defoamers quickly collapse the foam by destroying the internal structure of the foam. Such defoamers usually change the pH of the liquid or add chemicals to react with the components in the foam, causing the foam to collapse.     In summary, the working principle of defoamers can be achieved by reducing surface tension, forming a film, preventing bubble aggregation and diffusion, and destroying the foam structure. The specific working principle varies depending on the type of defoamer, its ingredients, and the application environment. Choosing the appropriate defoamer requires considering the properties of the liquid, application requirements, and environmental factors, and referring to the advice of professionals.      
    - Jun 13, 2024
  • Classification and characteristics of defoamers
    Classification and characteristics of defoamers
    Defoamer, also known as antifoaming agent, is a chemical substance specially used to control bubbles generated by liquid surfactants. Defoamers can be divided into many categories according to their chemical composition and physical properties.   The following are several common types of defoamers and their respective advantages and disadvantages:   1. Silicone Antifoam: The main component of this type of defoamer is silicone. Advantages: Silicone defoamer has excellent defoaming effect and can adapt to various solutions and systems. In addition, it also has good heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance and chemical stability. Disadvantages: Although silicone defoamer has excellent performance, it is expensive, not easy to biodegrade, and may have a certain impact on the environment. 2. Polyether Antifoam: This defoamer is composed of polyether compounds and surfactants. Advantages: Polyether defoamer can remain stable under high temperature environment, has excellent surface tension reduction effect, and is very suitable for high temperature defoaming needs. Disadvantages: In some solvent systems, polyether defoamers may not be stable enough, and the right formula must be selected to achieve the best effect. 3. Fatty Alcohol Antifoam: This type of defoamer is often used for defoaming needs of oily media. Advantages: Fatty alcohol defoamers are mostly extracted or synthesized from natural substances, are environmentally friendly, and have strong biodegradability. Disadvantages: Although fatty alcohol defoamers are environmentally friendly, their defoaming effect is relatively weak and their scope of application is relatively limited. 4. Mineral Oil Antifoam: This type of defoamer is mainly made of petroleum derivatives. Advantages: Mineral oil defoamers are cheap, easy to obtain, and have good defoaming effects on certain systems. Disadvantages: Mineral oil defoamers are prone to adverse reactions with other chemicals and have a greater impact on the environment. 5. Antifoam Compound: This type of defoamer is a mixture of multiple different ingredients. Advantages: Composite defoamers combine the advantages of various defoamers, improve the defoaming effect, and are especially suitable for complex defoaming needs. Disadvantages: Due to the high cost, it is necessary to ensure the compatibility and stability between the ingredients. 6. Powder Antifoam: This type of defoamer exists in solid form and is usually sold in granular or powder form. Advantages: Powder defoamers are easy to carry and use, and can provide long-term defoaming effects. Disadvantages: It may take some time to dissolve, so it is not suitable for all occasions that require instant defoaming. Please note that each antifoam has its specific application field and process flow. Choosing a suitable antifoam requires comprehensive consideration of the specific application environment and needs. Before using a defoamer, please read the TDS and MSDS carefully...
    - Jun 07, 2024
  • Defoamers in the Construction Material Industry
    Defoamers in the Construction Material Industry
    In the material industry, the quality of products plays a crucial role in ensuring the durability and performance of structures. However, one common challenge faced during the production process is foam formation. Foam can occur due to various reasons, such as the presence of foaming agents in raw materials or the generation of gases during chemical reactions. If not properly addressed, foam can negatively affect the quality of construction materials and compromise their performance. To overcome this issue, the industry relies on specialized defoamers, which effectively control and eliminate foam, ensuring the production of high-quality construction materials.   Causes of foam formation: Foam can be generated during different stages of the construction material production process. Some of the common causes include: Foaming agents in raw materials: Certain chemicals used in the production of construction materials can have foaming properties. These agents can create bubbles and foam, leading to inconsistent product quality. Chemical reactions: Reactions between different components of construction materials, such as cement or adhesives, can release gases. These gases can get trapped in the material matrix, resulting in foam formation. Effects of Foam Formation: The presence of foam in construction materials can have several negative consequences, including: Reduced product quality: Foam can interfere with the proper bonding of materials, compromising the overall strength and structural integrity of the end product. Uneven surface texture: Excessive foam can lead to an uneven surface texture in construction materials, affecting their aesthetic appearance and finish. Decreased performance: Foam trapped within construction materials can create voids and reduce their density. This can weaken the materials, making them more susceptible to damage and degradation over time.   Role of Defoamers in the Construction Material Industry: Defoamers, or foam control agents, play a vital role in addressing the foam-related challenges faced by the construction material industry. These specialized additives are designed to quickly disperse in liquid formulations and suppress foam generation without affecting other additives. The key benefits of using defoamers include: Foam elimination: Defoamers effectively break down foam bubbles and prevent their reformation, ensuring the production of foam-free construction materials. Improved product consistency: By eliminating foam, defoamers help maintain uniform product quality, ensuring consistent performance across all batches. Enhanced workability: Defoamers facilitate better workability of construction materials, allowing for easier handling, spreading, and application during construction processes.
    - May 23, 2024
  • Silicone defoamer for water-based system
    Silicone defoamer for water-based system
    For water-based systems, silicone defoamer is one of the commonly used defoamer. The following are general guidelines for using silicone antifoam agents in water-based systems:   1. Choose a water-soluble silicone defoamer: Make sure to choose a water-soluble silicone defoamer that can effectively disperse and function in water-based systems. Such defoaming agents have good solubility and dispersion and can be quickly and evenly mixed with aqueous systems.   2. Choose the appropriate type of defoamer according to your needs: Silicone defoamer is available in different types and properties in water-based systems. For example, some defoamers are suitable for low-viscosity water-based systems, while others are suitable for high-viscosity water-based systems. Choose the appropriate defoamer type based on your specific needs.   3. Determine the optimal usage amount: Determine the optimal usage amount of silicone defoaming agent based on the characteristics of the water-based system and defoaming effect requirements. Suppliers often provide recommended usage ranges or suggestions, but optimal usage may need to be adjusted based on actual conditions. Experiment and evaluate to determine the most appropriate amount to use. 4. Pay attention to the order and method of addition: When adding silicone defoamer to the water-based system, pay attention to the appropriate order and method of addition. Generally, defoaming agents should be added evenly during the stirring or mixing process. Make sure the defoamer is fully mixed with the water-based system and evenly dispersed throughout the system.   5. Consider temperature and pH: The performance of silicone defoamers may be affected by temperature and pH. During use, pay attention to controlling the temperature and pH range of the water-based system to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the defoaming agent.   6. Evaluate the effect: After using silicone defoaming agent, evaluate the defoaming effect. Observe the disappearance of foam, changes in surface tension and other related indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of the defoamer and whether adjustments are needed.   Please note that the above are general usage guidelines, and specific usage methods and precautions may vary based on the characteristics of different silicone defoamer and water-based systems. Before using silicone defoamer, carefully read and follow the specific usage instructions and recommendations provided by your supplier.    
    - May 15, 2024
  • Advantages and Necessities of Industrial Sugar Defoaming Agents
    Advantages and Necessities of Industrial Sugar Defoaming Agents
    Industrial sugar defoaming agent is an additive widely used in the saccharification industry. Its main function is to inhibit the generation of foam in syrup and sugar liquid, aiming to improve production efficiency and product quality. Industrial sugar defoaming agents are mainly used in all aspects of the sugar product production process, including sugar production, syrup preparation, candy manufacturing, etc. Defoaming agents can be used to prevent foaming when sugar is boiled, reduce foaming during syrup stirring and filtering, and control foaming in sugar manufacturing to ensure product quality and stability. Next we will enumerate the advantages of defoaming agents and their necessity in making syrup. The advantages are as follows: 1. Accurately control foam: In the sugar production process, the occurrence of foam will affect process operations and equipment operation, and will also have a certain impact on the quality of sugar products. At this time, the defoaming agent can effectively inhibit the generation of foam and greatly reduce the foam problem. 2. Improve production efficiency: The presence of foam will increase the liquid volume, thereby increasing the thickness of the syrup foam layer, reducing the syrup loading, and affecting the transportation and processing efficiency of syrup. The use of defoaming agents can reduce the thickness of the foam layer and improve process operation efficiency. 3. Improve product quality: Foam easily captures impurities and microorganisms, thereby affecting the purity and quality of sugar. The use of defoaming agents helps remove foam and reduce the presence of impurities and microorganisms, thereby improving the purity and quality of sugar products. In terms of necessity: 1. Improve production efficiency: The existence of foam will increase the complexity and time consumption of process operations, and the use of defoaming agents can significantly improve production efficiency and solve the foam problem. 2. Ensure product quality: Sugar products need to maintain a certain degree of purity and quality. The foam will absorb microorganisms and impurities in the syrup, affecting product quality. Therefore, the use of defoaming agents is crucial to ensuring product quality.
    - May 11, 2024
  • Defoaming Agent: A Vital Role in Circuit Board Cleaning
    Defoaming Agent: A Vital Role in Circuit Board Cleaning
    Circuit boards generally refer to circuit boards. It can be called a printed circuit board or printed circuit board, and its English name is PCB. Its purpose is to make circuits miniaturized and intuitive, and it plays an important role in mass production of fixed circuits and optimizing the layout of electrical appliances. General circuit board materials are divided into rigid substrate materials and flexible substrate materials.   Defoaming agents play a vital role in circuit board cleaning. Defoaming agents are used in circuit board substrate cleaning, circuit board water treatment, film removal, etching, development, and sewage treatment (the entire PCB process). Especially in the dry film process during the production of printed circuit boards, the unexposed dry film is removed through development. The dry film is photosensitive insulating resin, and the developer is sodium carbonate solvent. Due to the continuous dissolution of the dry film, the developer produces a certain amount of foam during the system circulation spray process. When foam reaches a certain level, it will affect the quality of development and cause inconvenience to production. The main component of circuit board cleaning is specially modified polyether, which will not cause silicon spots to remain on the tank wall, making it easy to clean the equipment. It has excellent defoaming and anti-foaming properties. In addition, it also has high stability and water dispersion properties. It is specially designed for cleaning printed circuit boards and can be widely used in the development and stripping processes (the entire PCB process can be used). It will not affect the processing of circuit boards, has good water solubility, does not float oil, and has no residue.   How to use defoaming agent for circuit board cleaning: 1. How to use silicone defoamer for circuit board cleaning: It can be added directly during the cleaning process, added to the foaming liquid after dilution with water, or added to the bath liquid in advance to achieve the effects of foam suppression and defoaming. When using it, the amount can be increased or decreased depending on the defoaming effect. The recommended amount is 0.1~0.3% of the total amount. 2. How to use polyether defoamer for circuit board cleaning: It is best to add it before foaming. The amount of addition depends on the actual defoaming requirements. Usually the starting concentration is 0.3~0.5ml per liter of bath liquid. However, when the bath liquid is dissolved due to dry film or wet film, When reaching saturation, the amount of addition needs to be increased  
    - Apr 29, 2024
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A total of 8 pages

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