• Under what circumstances does concrete need to add defoaming agents?
    Under what circumstances does concrete need to add defoaming agents?
    The situations where defoaming agents need to be added to concrete can include the following aspects:   1. Preparation of foam concrete: When preparing foam concrete, it is usually necessary to add a defoaming agent. Foamed concrete is a lightweight material that contains large amounts of bubbles or foam. The role of defoaming agents is to control the formation and stability of foam to ensure the quality, compactness and strength of foam concrete.   2. Concrete Vibration: During the concrete vibration process, a large number of bubbles and foam may be generated. These bubbles and foam will affect the density and strength of concrete, and even cause voids and defects on the surface. By adding defoaming agents, foam formation during vibration can be effectively controlled and the compactness and strength of concrete can be improved.   3. High-performance concrete: Some high-performance concrete, such as self-consolidating concrete (SCC) and high-fluidity concrete, need high fluidity and pumpability. However, these special concretes may produce more bubbles and foam during construction. Defoaming agents can control and reduce foam formation, ensuring the quality and performance of high-performance concrete.   4. Surface treatment and coating: When doing surface treatment, coating or painting of concrete, the presence of foam may affect the adhesion and surface quality of the coating. Adding defoaming agents can reduce or eliminate foam in the coating and improve the adhesion and surface smoothness of the coating. Whether a defoamer needs to be added needs to be determined based on the specific construction requirements and concrete performance requirements. When selecting and using defoamers, it is recommended to follow the supplier's recommendations and usage guidelines to ensure the desired results are achieved.    
    - Apr 25, 2024
  • White emulsion how to foam again, how you still do not understand the white emulsion defoamer
    White emulsion how to foam again, how you still do not understand the white emulsion defoamer
    White latex is a water-soluble adhesive, due to the advantages of good film-forming properties, easy to use, cheap and so on. Was mainly used in wood, machinery and other industries. In the process of production and use of white emulsion, artificial latex in the mixing, pouring, flow and filtration, often due to air mixing leads to a large number of foam generation, if there is no addition of white emulsion defoamer, then these bubbles will spread out not only affect the quality of the white emulsion, but also affect the progress of the work. These large amounts of foam so that the major glue manufacturers are very headache. Some glue factories will try Baozhongbao white latex defoamer to clean up the foam. Let's learn more about glue foam.   First of all, we first share a small story about the glue foam it. Mr Mo is the person in charge of a white glue factory in Dongguan. Recently, Mr Mo in the white latex processing and production process, found that the surface of the white latex has a lot of foam spread up, because of the foam problem led to the lack of utilization of equipment and reduce product quality, for the glue subsequent to the finished product canning has caused a great impact.     Why the white latex production process the foam?     White latex belongs to the surfactant, can change the surface tension. When white latex is used, it is easy to produce foam when it comes into contact with air.   White latex in the production process because of the need to add some chemical raw materials, and the chemical reaction between these chemical raw materials, resulting in the emergence of foam.   What the white latex production in a large number of foam will have harm?   1, the air in the foam will hinder the dispersion of the pigment or filler, adding difficulties to the production operation.   2, too much foam will reduce the equipment utilisation rate, affecting the quality of the product.   3、Stable foam will increase the volume of the litre barrel, make the weight of the barrel uneven, increase the cost of packaging.   4、Foam will affect the degree of product blending.   5、Terminal use of adhesives when the foam is too much, affecting the bonding strength.   6、When you open the lid of the barrel when selling, you can see many bubbles inside, which affects the aesthetics and reduces the trust of customers.     How to solve the white latex foaming problem?   Use white latex defoamer and other chemicals to react with the foam in the white latex, so that the foam in the white latex is removed.  
    - Apr 19, 2024
  • The functions and precautions of fully synthetic and semi-synthetic cutting fluid antifoam
    The functions and precautions of fully synthetic and semi-synthetic cutting fluid antifoam
    Due to process technology limitations, the lubrication and cooling functions and component configurations of fully synthetic cutting fluids and semi synthetic cutting fluids are different. However, the foam in both cutting fluids may affect the lubrication performance and cooling effect during processing, leading to a decrease in the surface quality of the workpiece or causing other problems. Cutting fluid defoamer is an effective tool to reduce foam problems of fully synthetic and semi-synthetic cutting fluids. However, there are still some things to pay attention to during use: 1. Insufficient performance: Improper selection of defoaming agent or unreasonable cutting fluid formula may lead to poor defoaming effect. 2. Failure problem: After a period of time, the defoaming agent may lose its effect due to decomposition or being affected by other ingredients. 3. Compatibility with additives: Cutting fluids are often doped with various performance-enhancing, rust-proof, antibacterial and other additives. If the defoaming agent is not compatible with them, it will have an adverse impact on overall performance. 4. Excessive use: Excessive defoaming agent may cause the performance of the cutting fluid to decline, causing negative effects on lubrication, cooling and anti-rust performance. To properly address the above issues, we recommend that you follow the following guidelines: 1. Select a suitable defoaming agent based on the cutting fluid formula and actual needs, and ensure that it is compatible with other additives. 2. Use defoamer correctly in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions, and avoid excessive addition. 3. Regularly check the effectiveness of the defoaming agent. If it is found that the effectiveness is insufficient or has expired, consider replacing or adjusting the method of use. 4. Regularly detect various indicators of the cutting fluid, such as pH value, concentration and contaminant content, to maintain a stable quality of the cutting fluid. 5. If necessary, please seek help from cutting fluid suppliers or professionals to obtain more precise solutions and suggestions.
    - Apr 12, 2024
  • Antifoam for Fermentation to Solve Foaming
    Antifoam for Fermentation to Solve Foaming
      Fermentation refers to the process in which people use the life activities of microorganisms under aerobic or anaerobic conditions to prepare the microbial cells themselves, or direct metabolites or secondary metabolites. Fermentation is sometimes also called fermentation, and its definition varies depending on the occasion where it is used. Fermentation generally refers to a certain decomposition process of organic matter by organisms. Fermentation is a biochemical reaction that humans have been exposed to earlier and is now widely used in the food industry, biological industries, and chemical industries. It is also the basic process of bioengineering, i.e., fermentation engineering. Research on its mechanism and process control is still ongoing.   Reasons for foaming during fermentation: 1. Ventilate and stir, because the greater the ventilation, the more intense the stirring, resulting in a large number of bubbles. 2. During the fermentation process, the content of organic nitrogen sources is high, and the greater the viscosity and concentration of the fermentation liquid, the higher the stability of the foam generated. 3. When the bacteria grow vigorously, the protein concentration of the fermentation broth increases, and the concentration is enhanced, resulting in the generation of bubbles. 4. The cells of the fermentation tank are lysed, resulting in the release of a large amount of protein, the continuous expansion of the liquid, and the appearance of a large number of bubbles in contact with the air. 5. Affected by the environment, the temperature rises rapidly during fermentation, coupled with constant stirring during the fermentation process, resulting in increased bubbles.   Defoaming agent for fermentation is composed of polydimethylsiloxane, food emulsifier, dispersant, etc.   Reasons to use defoamer to solve foaming: 1. It overcomes the shortcomings of ordinary silicone defoaming agents, such as poor high temperature resistance and short foam suppression time, and can meet the requirements for foam control throughout the fermentation cycle. 2. The surface tension is small and has excellent diffusivity and permeability. 3. The economic benefits are obvious, and the dosage is small to control the cost. 4. During the fermentation process, the bacteria will not be harmed, and the growth environment of the bacteria can be improved.     The defoaming agent should have the following properties: 1. Strong defoaming power and low dosage. 2. Adding to the foaming system does not affect the basic properties of the system; that is, it does not react with the system being defoamed. 3. The surface tension is small. 4. It interacts with the surface in good balance. 5. Good heat resistance. 6. Good diffusion and permeability, high positive spreading coefficient. 7. Chemical stability and strong oxidation resistance. 8. Good gas solubility and permeability. 9. Little solubility in foaming solutions; 10. It has no phys...
    - Apr 03, 2024
  • When can defoaming agents be added?
    When can defoaming agents be added?
      The main function of a defoaming agent is to eliminate foam and inhibit foam regeneration, and can be widely used in various industries. However, for many workers who do not understand and are using defoaming agents for the first time, there is a question that bothers them, that is, when should defoaming agents be added?   Let us take silicone defoaming agents as an example. Generally, Silicone defoamers have four addition methods:   1. Add before foaming: This method can suppress the foam by adding a defoaming agent in advance to the system where foaming may occur. For closed containers and devices, defoaming agents can effectively eliminate foam.   2. Continuous dripping addition: When the foaming liquid is either circulating or flowing, the defoaming agent will be consumed along with the circulating flow of the foaming liquid. In this case, use continuous dripping of the defoaming agent. By this method, the defoaming agent can effectively eliminate foam. If supplemented by a metering pump, the addition amount can be effectively controlled for the most economical use of defoaming agents. 3. Self-controlled addition: Any foaming liquid may not always foam. There is no exact rule for when to foam and the amount of foam. The defoaming agent is added to replenish consumption and does not need to be added when there is no foaming. Therefore, a self-controlled addition method can be adopted, and the defoaming agent can be added under self-control according to the signs of foaming.   4. Intermittent addition: If the foaming is not continuous and the foaming is not serious, the defoaming agent can be added at once or regularly. Because the amount of defoaming agent added is small, in order to disperse the defoaming agent evenly, it should be added in a place where the foaming liquid is turbulent. In many cases, it can be added manually. If the foaming is violent or in order to quickly eliminate the foaming, you can use a spray gun.    
    - Mar 27, 2024
  • Introducing Cutting Fluid Defoam: Enhancing Machining Efficiency and Performance
    Introducing Cutting Fluid Defoam: Enhancing Machining Efficiency and Performance
    Introduction: Cutting fluids play a vital role in various machining processes, such as turning, milling, and drilling, by reducing friction, dissipating heat, and improving tool life. However, during these operations, foaming can occur, leading to numerous issues including surface defects, reduced workpiece quality, and increased machine downtime. To combat this problem, cutting fluid defoamers are employed as additives to effectively control and eliminate foam formation.    Understanding Cutting Fluid Defoamers: Cutting fluid defoamers, also known as antifoaming agents, are chemical additives specifically designed to suppress foam formation in cutting fluids. These defoaming agents work by destabilizing the foam bubbles, causing them to collapse and disperse, thereby preventing foam accumulation. They are typically formulated using a combination of surface-active substances, silicone-based compounds, and emulsifiers.   Benefits of Using Cutting Fluid Defoamers: 1. Enhanced Machining Efficiency: By effectively suppressing foam formation, cutting fluid defoamers ensure uninterrupted contact between the cutting tool and workpiece, leading to improved machining efficiency and productivity. This results in faster material removal rates and reduced machining time. 2. Improved Surface Finish: Foam in cutting fluids can negatively impact the surface finish of machined components. By using defoamers, manufacturers can achieve smoother surface finishes, higher precision, and reduced surface defects, resulting in superior product quality. 3. Extended Tool Life: Foaming can lead to tool chatter and increased tool wear, reducing the lifespan of cutting tools. Defoamers help maintain a stable cutting environment, minimizing tool vibrations and ensuring longer tool life, thereby reducing tooling costs. 4. Minimized Machine Downtime: Foaming can lead to equipment disruptions, requiring frequent downtime for foam removal or fluid replacements. With cutting fluid defoamers, foam-related issues are mitigated, resulting in reduced machine downtime and increased operational efficiency. Conclusion: Cutting fluid defoamers serve as essential additives in machining processes, providing effective foam control and offering numerous benefits, including improved machining efficiency, enhanced surface finish, extended tool life, and reduced machine downtime. By incorporating these defoaming agents into cutting fluid formulations, manufacturers can optimize their machining operations, resulting in higher productivity, better product quality, and cost savings.
    - Mar 22, 2024
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